Friday, April 11, 2008

Special character study post: Ryan

Every now and then, i'll write a character study on a particular person in my class. Today's character study will on...(Drum rolls.)...Ryan! Now, Ryan is a very determined dude. Once he has a project, he'll start right away, unless of course there are some obstacles blocking the way, let's say..hmm...Dota? Ryan is also quite strong, due to the sports he plays, like basketball and soccer. He's in NPCC, but he hardly ever goes. Sadly for him, our science teacher is one of the teacher(s) in charge of the CCA, so he gets told firmly from time to time to go for it. Now..what else to talk about? about his love life? Haha, i know who he likes, but then again, i can't betray a good friend and tell all of you. Hee hee..well, i think that's all for this post, so bye! To my classmates who read this, you all better watch out, because you never know when the next character study will be about one of YOU!

Ryan, if you read this, please don't be angry, it's just my opinion about you. And almost all the things i said in this post was good..right? 

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