Sunday, April 13, 2008


Woke up at 9.30am. Ate noodles for brunch(lunch and breakfast combined) and watched TV for the rest of the day till 2.30pm. Changed in ushering clothes and went to church. In church, sang worship and served communion. By the way, communion is when christians thank Jesus for dying on the cross for them. They do this by breaking bread and drinking grape juice or wine. The bread symbolises the body of Christ and the wine/grape juice symbolises the blood of Christ. After that, sat down to listen to sermon and went back to room 201 for cell discussion. After church, went home, ate dinner, watched TV for the rest of the night till 12.30am like that and dozed off while watching some movie. Oh, i go to LSBC.

P.S i put it short form because i don't really know how to spell the name of the church.

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