Sunday, April 13, 2008


Aiyah..i think i have the monday blues man..very bored now..woke up at 6.20, bathed and ate bread and drank milk for breakfast. My mum drove me to school and the first period today was IPW. Next was english and sadly, mr wong went to somewhere else to teach, so we had a new teacher. His name was mr chua, and let me tell you something about him, he is a total dickhead! I mean, the first thing he said to us when he came into the class was that he was the chief editor of some newsletter. And after that he said that attitude was the one thing that we must have...blah blah blah..i mean, do we alll look like we care? After talking for 1 period or so, he finally gave us something to do. But you know what? The 'thing' he gave us to do was some kind of primary school thing! To sum it all up, he even insulted us by saying that our PLSE marks were not that good. After english was recess and i ate laksa. Math came and we went to the lab to do heymath. After doing some qns, i finally could surf the net (i was the only boy that was on the net..hohoho..). Math ended and so did school. Went to Jun Hao's house to do history project. By history project I mean we went there to play computer :D. Yup, that's about everything that happened today. I gonna play more com now..hohoho..see ya..

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